Movement is healing. If we want to feel energised, happy and support our health, we need to exercise every day. Regardless of our age, gender, or physical abilities; exercise benefits our health and wellness.
Read MoreSleep Tight, and Sweet Dreams...
Sleep is often overlooked and undervalued. So many of us are intentional and mindful about what we eat and how we train, ensuring we take care of our physical and mental health; however, we often overlook the crucial factor of getting enough sleep. When we are sleep impaired, we cannot function properly. Sleep is when our body heals and recharges, both physically and emotionally.
Read MoreRead reality
Books hold valuable knowledge. Reading enhances our focus and memory, supports stress reduction, and improves our mental health. When we read, we embark on an adventure - as we digest the words on the page, our imagination goes on a journey, creating images and developing our own interpretation of what we are taking in. Samuel Johnson says, “a writer begins a book, a reader finishes it”.
Read MoreLet's live to eat, not eat to live!
Food is delicious, and we can have so much fun exploring different recipes and delicacies. Different types of food contains different proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals, all which are essential for our overall health and well-being. Eating a balance of healthy foods provides us with all the good stuff that both our mind and body need for energy, support and functioning.
Read MoreH to the O
t is crucial to drink water every single day to ensure that we stay healthy and well. However, so many of us do not drink enough - if any - water throughout the day. Water is our body’s main chemical component, making up 50 to 70 percent of our body weight. Our body functioning relies on water to survive, and so, drinking enough water throughout the course of the day should be at the very top of our priority list.
Read MoreYou cannot pour from an empty cup
Life is a beautiful adventure; but it can also be overwhelming, especially when we try to manage many things at once. The incredibly advanced world in which we live today often comes with over-stimulation, traffic and noise.
You cannot pour from an empty glass. It is vital to take care of ourselves, as well as our mental health, and by doing so we will then have the capacity to be there for others. We may feel that we do not have the time, however there are simple ways to improve our mental health and well-being, and still be able to have the time to show up for our responsibilities.
Read MoreTo drink, or not to drink - that is the question...
Having a drink is an acceptable and common social activity that many of us enjoy - be it sharing a beer with friends, celebrating an occasion, or even enjoying the way a glass of wine compliments the taste of our food. It is also common to turn to alcohol when dealing with stress, anxiety or insomnia. However, although alcohol may seem like a useful social buffer, or a safe way to cope with challenges and life stressors, perhaps we may want to think again.
Read MoreThe secret to a better surf
Yoga is a valuable tool for surfers. It increases balance, mobility, flexibility, coordination and core strength. It also improves posture and reduces risk of injury. Overall, yoga improves our awareness of - and connection to - our body. So, take a moment, come flow on the mat, so you can flow better in ocean!
Read MoreWhat is yoga, really?
Yoga has become a stereotype in today’s world. When we suggest someone incorporates yoga into their life, we often hear responses such as “I am not flexible enough” or “I am too old”. Somewhere along the line yoga has become constructed as a skinny girl standing on her head and doing stretches.
Yoga is not about flexibility, or being able to walk on your hands, or hang upside down. Yoga is a lifestyle – it is in everything, and it is for everyone. As T.K.V Desikachar says, “Anybody can breathe, therefore anybody can practice yoga”.
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